The Place Filled By Sunshine
02.01.2008 - 16.01.2008
28 °C
Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
on minfreya's travel map.
I did not think it was a good idea to go to Xishuangbanna, which I heard of 10 years ago. With nothing to have a look from internet, I even felt this was a stupid idea. However, we still set off there, me and my husband.
By taking off warm jackets and putting on T-shirt, we were there, in Jinghong, the capital city of Xishuangbanna.
“It is summer,” the 1st idea came to our mind. Any cold or chill was thrown behind us.
We walked around in the city, took bus to the small towns with crowded transportation and we were bathing in the sun.
One day we sat on one square of Mengla, the town closer to the border with Laos. The sun seemed to eat us up without any hesitation. But we were surprised by one guy who was sitting opposite to us.
He was naked on the top and the skin has already turned to some shinny brownie color. He was reading newspaper by sitting with feet crossed front of him. He did not bothered by hustle and bustle around him.
While we stayed in Xishuangbanna, it had had rained. It was indeed cold sometimes, but most of time we were just waiting for sun to dry our wet and fog, which coming along with us from Chengdu.
Posted by minfreya 04:35 Archived in China Tagged backpacking